Thursday, February 4, 2010

NEWS: Engagement 6.1 and Other Updates

I spoke with Engagement Support last week about the release of version 6.1. Basically, they've seen some sporatic issues with the synchronization of binders (sync process hangs). 6.1 has been released on a limited basis (I assume to get some real life data on the sync issue) and a wide release date hasn't been set.

While I was on the phone I also asked about Engagement's planned compatibility with Office 2010 and was told that nothing has been released internally to the Support team about Office 2010 compatibility. The support person did say he tried installing Office 2010 with Engagement 6.1 on a virtual machine and got all kinds of errors. Because I'm running Windows 7 Pro x64 the conversation naturally gravitated to Engagement's architeture, specifically 32 vs. 64-bit. The support person said that for the forseeable future (meaning he hasn't heard anything to the contrary) Engagement will be a 32-bit application. I guess those of us hoping for a true 64-bit application (and not just one that works on a 64-bit OS) are out of luck.

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